Archibald First School

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No Outsiders

Archibald is very proud to be a ‘No Outsiders’ school.

At Archibald we deliver a curriculum that enables our children to understand and respect the benefits that exist in a society where difference and diversity are celebrated. We teach the children to respect and accept diversity and difference, to feel that they are never an outsider, and to welcome all who they meet.

The No Outsider’s program supports our school values and rules of being respectful, responsible and caring. In addition, it challenges stereotypes and the use of derogatory language in lessons and enables children to develop an understanding of people and communities beyond their immediate experience. All classes engage with age-appropriate pictures book from the No Outsiders program which compliment our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) curriculum. The children are also given the opportunity to discuss thought-provoking images or current news stories in other lessons and assemblies.

You can find out more about No Outsiders on

What is No Outsiders?

A key aim of No Outsiders is to support pupils to develop the characteristics and personal qualities which will help to prepare them for life in the 21st Century.

The principle of equality, meaning that everyone is treated fairly without suffering discrimination or prejudice, underpins the No Outsiders program which embodies the Equality Act 2010 which makes it against the law to discriminate against an individual because of a range of protected characteristics.

No Outsiders Core Values

  • Respect for diversity through education in schools.
  • Commitment to community cohesion through understanding and acceptance of difference.
  • Promotion of dialogue to counter fear and hate in society.


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