Archibald First School

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Children can be exposed to different views and receive information from various sources. Some of these views may be considered radical or extreme.

Radicalisation is the process through which a person comes to support or be involved in extremist ideologies. It can result in a person becoming drawn into terrorism and is in itself a form of harm.

Extremism is vocal or active opposition to fundamental British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs. It includes calls for the death of members of the British armed forces (HM Government, 2011).

Challenging and tackling extremism needs to be a shared effort (HM Government, 2013). For this reason, the Government has given some types of organisations in England, Scotland and Wales a duty to identify vulnerable children and young people and prevent them from being drawn into terrorism. 

Webpage Resources

Going Too Far? (

Protecting children from radicalisation | NSPCC

Radicalisation and child protection | NSPCC Learning

Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism

Parents’ Resources – Educate Against Hate

Lets Talk About It – Working Together To Prevent Terrorism (

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